
5 Automation Tips That Save Time for VoIP Resellers

3/29/22 11:51 AM / by Viirtue

Managed Service Providers and Telcos now more than ever need need to leverage automation to compete and win in today's market.  Spreading resources too thin by having manual processes kills productivity and keeps small to medium sized service providers a step behind the larger players.  By leveraging automation tools, resellers can save hundreds of hours of manual work per year which directly translates into increased productivity and higher profit margins.  Here are 5 tips for leveraging the powerful automation tools that ViiBE offers service providers:


1. Automated usage rating for revenue assurance

There is nothing more tedious than manually keying usage.  Even worse it widens the margin of error significantly.  Who wants to figure out how many toll free minutes a customer used and multiply it by a rate every month?  Same thing goes for virtual fax utilization or international calling.   Automating this task and converting those data points to dollars, not only helps you add a more competitive selling strategy to your portfolio, but ensures your customers are being billed quickly, accurately, and automatically.


2. Connecting your workflows

We feel a theme here, rekeying.  Operating a business consists much of ensuring key data points are in the right applications at the right time.  For example, as an MSP if you utilize quickbooks online to invoice your customers and not ViiBE, but need ViiBE to setup the invoice with usage and tax automation, you can easily build that workflow in just a few clicks.  Software platforms that inherently work well with other platforms make for happier user experiences.


3. Automating the number porting and ordering process and making it an easy, scalable workflow instead of "the worst part about the business".

We've all said it as service providers to our customers.  It's a tedious process with paperwork that has to be validated and match exactly.  It's a real PITA for most service providers.  Not for ViiBE users.  When in ViiBE, navigate to LNP (Local Number Porting) to start the process.  Enter the numbers you wish to port and follow the wizard to move through the workflow.  Now watch as the automation takes over from sending the digital experience to your customer (under your own brand) to the auto submission of completed documents.  It's truly a time saver and makes one of the worst things about being a service provider a pleasure.


4. Convert a quote to a billing period in just a few clicks

Not know about this feature?  Click quote actions when your customer has accepted the quote and then click “add to billing period”.  If you have not yet, enter your customers billing settings and a few seconds later the account is configured for automated monthly billing.


5.  Run an easy report for automated remittance by one of our tax partners

By navigating to reports>tax summary report you can run a report that is formatted to the requirements of our tax partners.  This makes staying compliant and automating your tax processes easier than ever.


Find out more helpful automation tips by signing up as a Viirtue partner and subscribing to the tailored courses in the Viirtue Learning Center (VLC).  New to Viirtue?  Click here to sign up for a free trial.








Tags: operations, unified communications, voip reseller, DOCUMO INTEGRATION

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